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You searched for: Tag: Lil girl lost
    Jewels101  32, Female, Texas, USA - 11 entries
Apr 2009
3:09 AM EDT

School and life

What is it about school that just makes it suck or makes it the best thing ever!so confudiling but i no life is harder than that life is like being traped in a box and you caint get out till your parents unlock u because they still think that ur their lil kid!!!!!!!!!!! It bugs me and then they think that they can tell you what to do at any time a nothing is ever good enough!!! woh said that PERFACT�was what we are supposedt to be kids not saints!!!!!!!!!!!! When was life a mystery and when was kindergarden the uter most favorite years of ur life! And when did the lil girl inside of me leave and how can i get her back! Because thats who my mom wants is that lil girl not me!!!!!!!!

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